About the Network
Guy’s and St Thomas’ has a long history of working with the Royal Brompton and Harefield, and since 2017 the Trusts have been developing plans to transform care for people with heart and lung disease in a collaborative partnership, along with Kings Health Partners.
During this time it had become clear that integrating its services was the best way to improve patient care and outcomes. In January 2020 it was announced that our organisations would formally merge.
On 1st February 2021, Royal Brompton & Harefield hospitals formally joined Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust as a new Clinical Group. Within this, our two Trusts have respective CHD Networks with a joint Work Plan setting out the milestones that will allow our networks to come together. We have a once in a generation opportunity to build an even larger, world-renowned heart and lung centre, providing the highest quality care for patients from before birth through to old age.
Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Evelina London Congenital Heart Disease Network and The Royal Brompton and Harefield have a huge part to play in this. Building on a history of collaboration, we are now working towards becoming a combined network. As a combined network we will be able to provide better access to care locally through an expanded geographical reach. We will also have more opportunities throughout the network for research, education, service development as well as sharing clinical expertise.
Rest assured that all of our patients, carers and families will continue to receive the same excellent Fetal, Paediatric, Transition and Adult congenital cardiac care, but a combined network will be able to better support local care across our regional network. It will also mean more opportunities for patient education and empowerment as well as research, training and service improvement.

See our latest updates
Read our March Newsletter
Our latest quarterly newsletter includes an update from the launch event in February where network colleagues met face to face together with updates from our board and workong groups.